CDN service
A unique data transfer service for an unlimited number of users all around the world maintaining the maximum download speed no matter where the source of content or the user are located.
From the technical point of view, CDN is a server network located in different parts of the world which allows you to deliver content from the owner to each user through its infrastructure via the optimal route.
What makes CDN so unique?
At the moment no other technology in the world can deliver data from content owner to the customers all around the world faster than CDN.

How do we achieve such speed?
From the content owner to the consumer the data goes the shortest – which means the fastest – route.
In this case, every user in any place all around world receives your content from CDN server nearest to him. This guarantees the maximum speed and optimal performance of your site.

Operation principles
- Your content is being uploaded to the cdnnow network
- It’s being distributed to all local servers within the network
- Data is being delivered to each user from the geographically closest cdnnow server
CDN is a unique data transfer service for an unlimited number of users all around the world maintaining the maximum download speed no matter where the source of content or the user are located.
Who needs CDN service?
All sites with high traffic and broad user geography.
Online games, TV channels, e-commerce, corporate sites, news and gaming resources etc.

Results of using CDN
- Opportunity for developing own online TV within a short time.
- Maximum speed of content delivery for an unlimited number of users
- No buffering and risk of broadcasting interruption
- Your online channel is available on all platforms and devices
- Protection from illegal content distribution
- Our own SmartTV-app
- Easy TV channel billing integration
- Reduced risk of DDoS attacks
- Resistance to any site traffic spikes
- Live program navigation (DVR function)
- Reduced traffic load for your own servers
- Maximum covering of your target audience with opportunity for traffic targeting, validation and monetarization.
- Transcoding of the stream into the format you need.

Our total capacity is 500 Gb/s
Which means you will be able to deliver your content to any number of users anywhere in the world in the shortest time.
At the same time your own servers remain unloaded and the users of your website, regardless of their location and Internet surfing devices, receive your content as quickly as possible.